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Search results

  1. Huanzhou Zhu

    Korum waist trotting tray, Is this a good or dumb idea?

    I just saw this during lunch break. The first thought that came to me was that it seems convenient, but the bait would spread all over the place when playing a fish. But I still want to give credit to the Korum. At least they are trying to do something for the roving anglers...
  2. Huanzhou Zhu

    The worst eBay selling description ever

    whoever posted this, is a member of the forum… https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/276261748648?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=akHwYjIcTXS&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=JsmpKJETRxe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  3. Huanzhou Zhu

    Are you happy to pay to watch fishing videos?

    Just find out Martin Bowler started this new vide subscription channel, fishflix, the videos seem to have high quality, the price is ok, but I am hesitate to subscribe it, guess I am just used and spoiled by the YouTube?
  4. Huanzhou Zhu

    Ministers propose scrapping pollution rules to build more homes

    Well, what can I say… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-66642878
  5. Huanzhou Zhu

    OMC magic twig

    Seems like a big release for OMC and Ali, but I believe most fishery will ban it, and tbh, I’ve seen similar products 20years ago, not as good as it looks.
  6. Huanzhou Zhu

    Maybe this is what we should drink when go barbel fishing

    Saw this in the shop today, never seen it before, anyone tried this? Any good?
  7. Huanzhou Zhu

    Any one heard of baitroom?

    I was looking for some pop ups to replace my two years+ old tube this evening, and I discover this company called baitroom, loads carp anglers vouch for it so I looked at their website, and I just couldn't believe what I see, 45 GBP for a tube of pop ups?? And it is a normal tube not few KGs...
  8. Huanzhou Zhu

    Gudgeon rod

    I know this is fairly unusual, but I become obsessed with this little beauty recently and want to spend some seasons until August to target them. And for some reasons I would like to have a rod dedicated for gudgeon, I know I can use light feeder/float rod, but I few they are still too strong...
  9. Huanzhou Zhu

    Korum Xperia landing net, how do you set it up?

    I got an old Korum Xpert landing net, 34 inch, looks like a good kit, but I just can’t set it up. I tried the elbow method, another arm just doesnt fit in the hole, do I need to apply the force to bend the arm? I don’t think that’s the right thing to do. Any idea? Thanks
  10. Huanzhou Zhu

    Oxford City Council calls for end to water privatisation

    I don’t know if this can be done, but if it is, hopefully it will reduce the water pollution, but at least, I am happy to see someone in the council taking this seriously now. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-64469016
  11. Huanzhou Zhu

    How do you defreeze the bait quicker?

    I am wondering what's the best way to defreeze the bait quicker? Like cheese paste, bailies, luncheon meat. I normally just take them out and leave them in the room temperature over night, but sometimes, I need to do this much quicker, any suggestions? Thanks.
  12. Huanzhou Zhu

    Wanted: King Fisher Chub Specialist fishing rod.

    Hi guys, Does any one have one of this rod for sale? Ideally in great condition. I know this could be a long shot, but got my fingers crossed. Thanks guys.
  13. Huanzhou Zhu

    Do I need to replace this ring?

    I recently moved house again, and when I start to sort my rods after moving, I noticed one ring on one of my rod is damaged, kind of like melted and solidified. I am not sure if this will damage the line, but I think I should do something about it. So my question is: is it possible to fix it...
  14. Huanzhou Zhu

    Rod price on eBay…crazy…

    Came across this on eBay today, I am wondering if people really gonna pay that much for these rods…
  15. Huanzhou Zhu

    Weight of Korum fast mat and supa lite fast mat

    I normally use the drennan specialist unhooking mat, but decided to get a lighter unhooking mat for roving. Decided to get a Korum supa lite fast mat. But noticed some websites are putting the older fast mat on sell, I think the only difference between the two versions are weight. AnD I am...
  16. Huanzhou Zhu

    Thames head dries

    The weather is one thing, but I think the water company is the biggest issue here. They stock too much water from the river. https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/source-of-the-thames-dries-up-for-the-first-time-experts-warn/ar-AA10leRe
  17. Huanzhou Zhu

    John Wilson rod is back, by angling direct.

    For the money, I think the angling direct makes some nice rod. And maybe these are good rods as well, but nothing like the John Wilson rods we used to live. https://www.anglingdirect.co.uk/fishing-tackle-brands/john-wilson
  18. Huanzhou Zhu

    Korum opportunist mat bag, seems a good piece of kit?

    Saw this on YouTube today, it’s basically a unhooking mat that warps a tackle bag. A bit big for my like though.
  19. Huanzhou Zhu

    Koi carp in the river…

    I was roving for the chub this morning in the Thames, out of sudde, I spotted a carp about 10lb on the surface. Since I only have a 1.25 lb Avon rod with 4lb line, so I decided not to catch it. But I did throw a few piece of bread to it and I realise it is a koi carp when it took the bread. It...
  20. Huanzhou Zhu

    This nice weather…maybe change of my plan?

    I just figured the temperature is 33 tomorrow?! And seems this small heatwave will last until the weekend? Doesn’t seem good for barbel fishing, maybe it is better to target something else?