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Top Angler takes Lake apart!

Graham Elliott

Senior Member & Supporter
Took my Granddaughter for her first 2 hours fishing on a local lake.
Unsurprisingly after 2 hours she was tired out after 15 carp to around 7lb. Well she's only 4.

A very good result on the float rod, winding when the fish weren't pulling. I was impressed also with her choice of fishing attire.

How anyone can spend 6 hours catching 200lb of them is beyond me..
Took my Granddaughter for her first 2 hours fishing on a local lake.
Unsurprisingly after 2 hours she was tired out after 15 carp to around 7lb. Well she's only 4.

A very good result on the float rod, winding when the fish weren't pulling. I was impressed also with her choice of fishing attire.

How anyone can spend 6 hours catching 200lb of them is beyond me..
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Bless her…. She looks well chuffed.
Now that’s a light weight chair…. Can you ask her if they do a nice olive green Version 🤣
Took my Granddaughter for her first 2 hours fishing on a local lake.
Unsurprisingly after 2 hours she was tired out after 15 carp to around 7lb. Well she's only 4.

A very good result on the float rod, winding when the fish weren't pulling. I was impressed also with her choice of fishing attire.

How anyone can spend 6 hours catching 200lb of them is beyond me..
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Amazing picture Graham, you must be so proud of her. I want one of them hats, Andy, get them in the BFW shop please. 🤣
Took my Granddaughter for her first 2 hours fishing on a local lake.
Unsurprisingly after 2 hours she was tired out after 15 carp to around 7lb. Well she's only 4.

A very good result on the float rod, winding when the fish weren't pulling. I was impressed also with her choice of fishing attire.

How anyone can spend 6 hours catching 200lb of them is beyond me..
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Thanks for sharing Graham. Brought a tear to the eye of this old blighter 👍
Magic times my little one just about to turn 4 helps me roll bait she loves it ! She caught this got snagged mind you so I took over but she run straight of to the net to net it. Team work got it done the bait now is called the Ivy specials she chose the flavour profile. I’ve even given her some old floats to play in the bath with she can tell you there names and what fish you can use them on loves a bobber float and perch does the girl.

@Graham Elliott magical times there it’s what it’s all about


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