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all good things etc !

Alec Hague

Senior Member & Supporter
Had some very bad news yesterday that my favourite club is closing . Reading between the lines I suspect the land owner, (Mr Farmer) sees our club as small and therefore incapable of meeting increased rent. But though small, facilities included a portacabin, electric laid on, grass cut around 3 lakes weekly and flush loos. Plus rarely anyone else there I did not know. Even then, 5 cars in the carpark was a crowd!
A larger club is taking over which suggests bigger membership. I expect all things to change in time but just hoped it would be after " my" time had passed. I had 2 torrix's made by peregrine specifically for the special fighting fish there. I am struggling now to see where I will use them so maybe their time is over too. Still, I have many great days to fondly remember.
Quite possibly Neil but larger means more people and we have been spoilt! The peace and quiet alone is worth more than the membership fee. Often I was there on my own. No one else over 3 lakes! Cant answer for weekends because being retired I only fish weekdays as I feel its not fair to take up space of those who have to work( and pay taxes to keep me!). Just my old fashioned view.
Quite possibly Neil but larger means more people.

Larger might mean that the club has more members, but it's not always safe to assume that it will result in significantly increased footfall. Most of the clubs, and even a syndicate, I'm in have seen increases in membership over the last few years. This did result in more anglers on the banks during the covid lockdowns (in the periods without travel restrictions). Memberships haven't decreased post covid, but the number of anglers I'm seeing on the bank is as low as it ever was. The only caveat is that I generally don't fish at weekends either.
Larger might mean that the club has more members, but it's not always safe to assume that it will result in significantly increased footfall. Most of the clubs, and even a syndicate, I'm in have seen increases in membership over the last few years. This did result in more anglers on the banks during the covid lockdowns (in the periods without travel restrictions). Memberships haven't decreased post covid, but the number of anglers I'm seeing on the bank is as low as it ever was. The only caveat is that I generally don't fish at weekends either.
that's encouraging Chis!
At last I have heard who is taking over. Another club I belong to already. Although it will mean it's busier, at least it's still available to me. Big relief. Thanks for input. Those who said I was unduly pessimistic were right.
Recently Farnham AS and Cove AS (Hants/Surrey border) announced they had merged. Cove AS was a small local club with around 60 members including Exec Committee members. Their Society was aging and numbers were dwindling as was their ability to effectively manage their Society and single Freehold fishery, two mature lakes, gated and secure of 1.7 & 0.5 acres.

Cove AS recognised their slow decline some time ago and the responsibilities defined by their Constitution particularly in relation to the Freehold ownership of their fishery. They searched for a solution within their Society and then further afield. It's taken a while to complete but the merger suited both parties. The Freehold Title has been transferred securing the fishery for the future and their members have full membership of Farnham AS for 5 years from 1st April 2024 at no charge.
Recently Farnham AS and Cove AS (Hants/Surrey border) announced they had merged. Cove AS was a small local club with around 60 members including Exec Committee members. Their Society was aging and numbers were dwindling as was their ability to effectively manage their Society and single Freehold fishery, two mature lakes, gated and secure of 1.7 & 0.5 acres.

Cove AS recognised their slow decline some time ago and the responsibilities defined by their Constitution particularly in relation to the Freehold ownership of their fishery. They searched for a solution within their Society and then further afield. It's taken a while to complete but the merger suited both parties. The Freehold Title has been transferred securing the fishery for the future and their members have full membership of Farnham AS for 5 years from 1st April 2024 at no charge.
Wow Neil. That's a result. It will be interesting to compare notes as the season progresses on usage. I fish weekdays only so not sure a few extra fishers will be an issue. But it's the maintenance which I suspect may be. The grass was cut weekly. Took a guy an afternoon to fetch the mower from the farm cut and return.I think the total length of the 3 waters is 350 m plus which times 4 passes on a ride on for each side, width is minor but still a couple of miles . It's about 15/20 mins a circuit x 4. I will volunteer and hopefully a few others will join in. Certainly its worth the effort. Very pleased though.
It's now been two months since the start of the Farnham AS "new year". The merger between FAS and Cove AS is fully in effect. Part of the deal included a defined commitment to the regular open matches (both lakes were described as match/runs waters). Also the FAS budget has allowed for regular maintenance to continue (as you say just mowing at this time of year is quite a task let alone any other work). FAS has also added new stock to both lakes. Feedback from the membership, old and new, has been very good.
It's now been two months since the start of the Farnham AS "new year". The merger between FAS and Cove AS is fully in effect. Part of the deal included a defined commitment to the regular open matches (both lakes were described as match/runs waters). Also the FAS budget has allowed for regular maintenance to continue (as you say just mowing at this time of year is quite a task let alone any other work). FAS has also added new stock to both lakes. Feedback from the membership, old and new, has been very good.
good news!