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Angling Trust


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Some very heart felt comments, and I do agree that the fear factor from an unseen enemy in Covid is very real. So these wonderful NHS staff are in my opinion the front line in the firing line if you will, and deserve all the praise and support we can muster.
Of course there will always be those that seek to make political gain from adversity, and we have seen this, none more so than the BBC, witness the Panorama latest offering, and at such a time, to stoke up the fear factor to higher levels.
I am personally in awe of the nurses, especially the nurses, in their love for the job, and I personally owe them my life, and do you know that they are mostly from countries such as the Phillipines and their beautiful personalities, politeness, and proffesionalism was very real, and sincere.
This thread has wandered off the original theme, but I believe the AT make some valid points, opinions differ, and in a way there is no right or wrong, but very extraordinary times and I just hope that the reasons for this virus is outed, but considering that China is the culprit I doubt we will ever get the truth.
The Angling Trust statement of proposals , was put together well.
However I seriously doubt that restrictions will be lifted for Sports and pastimes etc , whilst children are at home and many workers furloughed from work.
I was only reading yesterday a minister saying that at the earliest , kids will be going back to school in june but more likely not until Autumn.
Only yesterday the government said it was unlikely they would lift restrictions allowing people to go to holiday homes etc.
Until the restrictions on necessary travel are eased socially , I cant see fishing being allowed along with a host of other sports.
It would not make any sense if fishing was allowed whist the kids are off school and workers furloughed , as this would make social distancing near impossible at some venues due to demand .
Most lakes this time of year are usually rammed , under normal circumstances.
The argument is no longer if the NHS can cope , it's now about enforcing social distancing.
So sorry to read some awful stories on here on how Covid19 has affected people personally.
Challenging times for everyone.
If the choice was that or going to fight in a real war then yeah sign me up....I don’t see soldiers going to war practicing and performing dance routines ( taken from an app called tick tock ... a Chinese app I might add).... as for the ppe thing I like to get the real facts ..ignore the bbc fake news... like the nurse who put out a video crying that her daughter begged her not to go to work because they had no ppe and she didn’t want to die.... well guess what the hospital she worked at (basildon) put out a statement saying they have never had a shortage of ppe........ and guess what else the nurse in question turned out to be a labour activist

now I’m not saying there hasn’t been any problems with ppe but sometimes you have to read between the lines and certainly don’t believewhat the biased broadcasting company tells you

Appalling what that Labour woman did with her lying and trying to make political mileage out of the situation. Why am I not surprised?
I don't think anyone is actually comparing a NHS Covid-19 ward to a war zone. It's merely a turn of phrase, signifying that there's a risk to life for those front-line workers. I spent six years in the army, however I'm aware that my service pales by comparison to those who fought in the First World War. There have been many versions of a 'war zone' since then, with very few really able to compare with the horror of the trenches. Still war zones, however.

Anyway, I digress (and not only me). The original post was about the AT plan and phases of preparation for getting anglers back to their rightful place - on the bank. Let's hope it gets a hearing.
Some good points there . As for media biase ; all the media is biased , print TV , the lot , you just choose the media source that most fits your standpoint . This pandemic is manna from heaven for journalists , best story for decades , bad news always sells well. With regard to the topic I still think the AT's proposals are well thought out and measured and I hope that we can all go fishing soon
In reality, I can't see angling being singled out, along with golf perhaps, for a 'pass' by government. It simply won't happen in the short term. However, a reasonably good document produced by the AT. At last something proactive.
Some good points there . As for media biase ; all the media is biased , print TV , the lot , you just choose the media source that most fits your standpoint . This pandemic is manna from heaven for journalists , best story for decades , bad news always sells well. With regard to the topic I still think the AT's proposals are well thought out and measured and I hope that we can all go fishing soon

I am sure you will. Quite simply you cannot have a situation of people being asked to go back to work, albeit safely, but not being able to spend any time unwinding. Fishing, Golf etc, etc are all pastimes that should be rather easy to ease back into. One of the last jobs I was working was next to an allotment near Swindon. Apparently they had been given permission to tend to their plots, which I thought quite reasonable really, considering quite a simple risk assessment.

I have seen some rather strange behaviour in some supermarkets recently, no doubt aided by some news channels, but does anyone realise that the 2metre social distancing rule is there for specific reasons? That being aerosol? This is not the black death!

Kind regards
Some good points there . As for media biase ; all the media is biased , print TV , the lot , you just choose the media source that most fits your standpoint . This pandemic is manna from heaven for journalists , best story for decades , bad news always sells well. With regard to the topic I still think the AT's proposals are well thought out and measured and I hope that we can all go fishing soon

Well said.

All journalism contains by virtue an element of bias, ultimately anything that involves people does.

And all of us interpret the news we digest with a degree of bias, confirmation bias exists in everyone.

All folks can do is take there news from a broad range of outlets and apply some common sense and judgement in separating the wheat from the chaff.

The BBC gets a lot flak, it's not perfect. But if you want genuine examples of overt bias, try watching Fox News for 5 mins!

Anyway...this thread has drifted widely off-topic!
I personally think angling and other outdoor activities stand a very good chance of getting some form of a green light when the lockdown is re-assessed next week after listening to a government official on the radio this morning into work

I didn't catch his name , but he was acknowledging the benefit of outdoor activities being more preferable to indoor close proximity options

im a little more hopeful now than what I was a few days ago
I think the AT proposals are very sensible, but I think we won't be allowed to fish until later in the summer (August) at best. Personally I would like the lockdown to go on until the end of May to get that Rt down as low as possible before loosening things. However, if the rule-breaking I have seen is anything to go by we will have a second peak that might lead to further lockdown later. Some people who live near me are simply thick as feck!
Hopefully wont be as long as that Bill! Looks like the government will be thinking over any possible future lifting of restrictions during the next week or so, although people not keeping to lockdown rules certainly wont be helping us or the NHS.
Getting back onto topic!
The Angling Trust is urging everyone to write to their mp to support their proposals. I have had an email but you can get to the right place by going to the Angling Trust home page and clicking on "Our proposal to Government to get us fishing safely again"
I've done it!
If you want to start fishing soon please follow.