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They are filth, bought over here seeded and deliberately spread by people for gain, there is no way of stopping them while they are being carted around in buckets and introduced to rivers without them, EA would do well to start examining premises of people with trapping licences IMO. Allowing their use as bait would inevitably lead to some moron taking them to other waters ala Pike livebaits, laws a good one and should be enforced.
Just become involved in some conservation work on local river and EA report of the river from 2013 of the local stretch does not even mention crays (otter, cormorant were) - it beggars belief.
Would mashing them up and making a paste or bolie from the results be acceptable ? At least it would make use of the damn things
Pallatrax used to make Elixir 6 bait which contained crayfish so it must be legal to include in boilie mix.
I believe i read somewhere there were now 6 alien crayfish species in the UK, including Turkish long clawed which grow to a foot long. Also that the pet trade was importing yet another, the marbled crayfish which can reproduce from a single specimen. Its time we stopped the import of all these non native creatures as they will end up in the wild. I understand the law but in the Kennet there are millions of the beasts, so me sticking a size 2 in 1 and lobbing it back in makes no difference. The argument about people moving them is slightly irrelevant as it happens anyway, and i doubt it is by anglers. Has anyone ever been prosecuted for introducing them?
In short where there are already signals it makes no difference, in waters where there is none it will happen regardless of the law as its pretty near impossible to police. imo
On that basis, if the Kennet is polluted with oil, it is ok to stick some more oil into it as it won't matter?
The only thing that seems to be bothering people regarding these non native crayfish is fear of them messing with your rigs, regardless of the disease they spread, or the fish eggs they eat etc etc