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EA Fisheries Good Work

Ian Crook

Senior Member
I know I bang on a bit about the good work done by EA Fisheries but there are so many people that seem hell bent on putting them down, here is a link to a TAC article:


I find exactly the same hard working caring attitude from the fisheries teams responsible for the Loddon and the Kennet as well...........
It is a bit different down here is this neck of the woods. I agree there are some good EA girls and guys who like fish, wildlife and the river environment but not all. To some it is just a job. What of the Flood Defence side who dredge and destroy the river/riverbank habitat every year so that the condoms, sanitary towels, nappy liners don't' get caught up in the overhanging branches and snags (which exposes the situation to the public) when the water companies legally discharge raw sewage which de-oxygenises the river, all authorised by the EA?
There are many EA departments and most do not communicate or overide each other on crucial environmental issues which are meant to protect the river environment and its residents.
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