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Longest held ticket.

Simon Archer

Senior Member & Supporter
How long is the longest held ticket you have ??

Mine is only 8 years or so. I didn't fish much before then, and back in the days of my match fishing career I never bought a club ticket because I was fishing opens all the while.
Well, this is embarrassing. This ticket was issued to me when I was 11 years old. I'm now 71!
Think I’ve still got all my old membership tickets somewhere. If I can find them, I’ll put a photo of the oldest one on here… It will be for Ringwood and will date from around 1968, if memory serves me correctly. Blimey, have I really been a member for over 50 years….

Two years ago I attended the Notts Piscatorials AGM which included a presentation of long service badges. A series of increasingly aged members went up to accept their awards culminating in two gents who joined the Society before I was born. I was 67 at the time.
First joined Ashfield Angling in its early days back in 2004 (my two favourite venues were C1 and Thrumpton; of course, back then it was pretty much guaranteed that you'd drop into a decent swim, and C1 very rarely had that many bivvies causing river "bedblocking" back then!!)
Over the years as the club acquired new river venues, of course I persevered, although due to rapidly expanding member numbers and the growing incidences of bivvy dominance, it seemed like I was fighting 'a losing battle'.
Thank God that the landowners, at Thrumpton, have continued to maintain the requirement for anglers to quit the venue by sunset (other than the recent new rule that allows overnights upstream above the weir).

Anyway, as my wife and I have recently committed to a complete change in our lives (last Christmas) by moving to Liverpool from Hinckley after 16 years (for family reasons; my one proviso was that I must be able to a gain reasonable access to a "proper" Barbel river and it now only takes me 45 minutes to get to some reasonable, and as yet, unpressured stretches of the brilliant Ribble
So, no! I don't for one minute miss those constant fruitless blanks on what is now a regularly overfished, pressured Trent.
Brilliant, thanks Derek. Just wish we'd taken plunge ten years earlier!!

Now I cant wait for my new membership to the premium Ribble Club : "Prince Albert A S. (runs from January to December) They have a large spread of sections of the river with some the best barbel stretches available, not to mention countless stillwater fisheries (particularly some Cheshire meres with decent stocks of my favourite close season quarry : old Tinca!!)
Found them. First one is actually from 1969, so I was close. That first year cost me 5 guineas (£5.25) and it rose sharply to £7.50 in 1975, £9 in1977 and £10 in 1978. We did, of course, have proper inflation in those days (which seems to be with us again now - but only temporarily I hope!). Some of that increase was also down to the addition of new waters as well though. For reference the current adult membership is £180 plus extras but the club is much bigger and has vastly more water than it did in those days.



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Brilliant, thanks Derek. Just wish we'd taken plunge ten years earlier!!

Now I cant wait for my new membership to the premium Ribble Club : "Prince Albert A S. (runs from January to December) They have a large spread of sections of the river with some the best barbel stretches available, not to mention countless stillwater fisheries (particularly some Cheshire meres with decent stocks of my favourite close season quarry : old Tinca!!)
will arrange a day to show you the around when your card arrives,a better variety of swims on this card and not snag pits more gravel than bed rock plates and boulders with great access and car parks right on the bank