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making rigs

Lee Iley

Senior Member
Just wondering how many of us already make hook lenghs up before going on the bank or do you make them has you go i make a bulk up to last me a season bit wondering weather just to make them as i het on the bank
I make em up as i go along to be honest and then strip them all down at the end of the season.
I often make up two or three each of a couple of different types, just for quick changes if I snap up at a bad time. However, these are saved for those emergencies normally, and other than that I make up what I need on the bank as I go along. Where I fish (or should that read 'the way I fish') the need for a quick change because the fish are going nuts is a pretty rare thing :D

Cheers, Dave.
I am so fussy about hook sharpness that I always have a few (3 or 4) spares made up of whatever I am likely to call upon in a session, as I use them I break them down and tie new ones on the bank, but always have a buffer made up.
I always have a few made up of different sizes and make up depending what/where and how I'm fishing;) Will always stock my rig wallet back up before next session:p, hopefully after rigs being worn out and not snapped:D
I normally make up at least 15 rigs in advance and top up once i drop below 5, i like to have as many spares as i can as i'm always checking the rigs during a session, any little thing wrong with it, it's off ;)
I make up, like Nic, about a dozen or more in advance. I like to think that making them while not fishing (at home in the garden) I am more likely to ditch any that seem below par. While on the bank the pressure to get fishing, often while I can see the fish I want to catch, can affect my judgement and perhaps rush me into accepting a rig that isn't 100%. So I prefer to come to the bank with a number of rigs pre-tied.
I make two or three up before getting to the bank as the choice of bait may vary but come to dusk I make four up for the night as I'd rather not sit in the bivvy making rigs at 2am lol, I also think its worth while having a good play about with knots rigs and different lines whilst in the close season!!!
I tie all my rigs on the bank. The vast majority of the rigs i use are nothing more than a knotless knot to a hook at one end and a mahseer knot to a swivol at the other - quick and easy to tie. I'd rather carry a couple of spools of hooklink material and a few packets of hooks than loads of pre-tied rigs in wallets or rig bins.
I tie all my rigs on the bank. The vast majority of the rigs i use are nothing more than a knotless knot to a hook at one end and a mahseer knot to a swivol at the other - quick and easy to tie. I'd rather carry a couple of spools of hooklink material and a few packets of hooks than loads of pre-tied rigs in wallets or rig bins.

Ditto Mr Boyne. Something to do whilst one's blanking...and more easily carried :)
I generally find I have quite a lot of free time on the bank not catching so it's a useful way to pass the time. Plus, when I have not had even the slightest knock for hours, making up a rig, taking a pee or making a cuppa usually guarantees a bite-and a woefully late strike.
I used to tie them up in advance, and carry a rig box. One problem I found was I was forever changing my mind about the best to use on any particular day..length, hook size, hair length, braid or Fluoro etc that I never had what I wanted made up so I was forever making new ones up anyw

Now I generally tie up 2 rigs before I go out the tie others up as needed on the bank. I usually have 4 rigs on the go at any one time, two in the water and two baited up, soaking in a glug ready, to go.