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Midland tench water

Ian Murfin

Senior Member
I'm hoping to target tench this spring as it's a species I've never really targeted. I've got images of misty mornings, lilly pads, quill floats centrepins and a floppy hat.
I've had a bit of a Google and I'm struggling to find anywhere local that I'd actually like to fish. They all seem to be busy muddy puddles with no character. I'm Derby based but happy to travel for an hour or possibly more.
If anyone has any recommendations I'd be very grateful. Message me directly if you would prefer.
I'm hoping to target tench this spring as it's a species I've never really targeted. I've got images of misty mornings, lilly pads, quill floats centrepins and a floppy hat.
I've had a bit of a Google and I'm struggling to find anywhere local that I'd actually like to fish. They all seem to be busy muddy puddles with no character. I'm Derby based but happy to travel for an hour or possibly more.
If anyone has any recommendations I'd be very grateful. Message me directly if you would prefer.

A bit more than an hour but Sywell Reservior in Northamptonshire. If you join The Tenchfishers it won’t cost you anything to fish it but will need to get an annual car park pass for The Country Park. It’s not Lilly pads but plenty of weed and rushes. The dam area has been productive for float anglers but there’s plenty to go at. It produced fish to nine pounds at a Tenchfishers get together spring before last and historically given up double figure fish. Joining The Tenchfishers will open up access to more local people who are quite happy to give up information. There is a Northern and East Midlands region.


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I’ve had it confirmed that Tenchfishers CAN fish Sywell at no cost for fishing. The information on the Council website is out of date. The parking wardens are s**t hot in the country park so if you do go make sure you pay the parking (either day pass or cheaper in the long run, £38.00, an annual pass).


Staunton Harold res might be worth checking out, but it could just be bream and roach these days.

Sywell is certainly on the way back, but my understanding is that it is hard work. At least it is compared to the glory days !

Holowell (nr Sywell) might still have big fish in it ?

Linear holds big fish, but is something of a rat-race.

some of the Trent valley pits must hold decent tench, but I’m not high enough up the grapevine these days to know. You could try asking in a specialist oriented shop like Walkers of Trowell.
Very few Tench in Staunton I believe, the odd one comes out now and again, but not very often. Now, the two lakes in front of Staunton Harold hall had Tench in them when we fished it years ago, especially the bottom of the two. Swadlincote AA water at the time, I don't know if a club has it now, or it's even fished these days. Looks spot on, with lots of Lillies and rushes. I'd be interested to know if a club has it.
Thanks for the replies folks. I'm after a smaller water really and size of fish isnt critical. I need to learn the ropes before chasing monsters.
I'd spotted that one near Staunton Harold on the map. Not much info online that I could find. I'll have to get out on my bike and do a bit of reconnaissance. Thanks again.
Don't know how far you are from Napton Res but it's full of tench very catchable on float gear.

Nice place as well.

Lemington Spa water

A bit more than an hour but Sywell Reservior in Northamptonshire. If you join The Tenchfishers it won’t cost you anything to fish it but will need to get an annual car park pass for The Country Park. It’s not Lilly pads but plenty of weed and rushes. The dam area has been productive for float anglers but there’s plenty to go at. It produced fish to nine pounds at a Tenchfishers get together spring before last and historically given up double figure fish. Joining The Tenchfishers will open up access to more local people who are quite happy to give up information. There is a Northern and East Midlands region.


Hi Graham, the website says Tenchfishers members get 10% discount on season tickets, not free fishing?
Hi Graham, the website says Tenchfishers members get 10% discount on season tickets, not free fishing?
Hi Alex,
I checked it with “others” on the Tenchfishers forum and they confirmed that the Council website is not up to date. Showing your Tenchfishers membership to the Park Rangers will get you free fishing.
A membership “card” is sent to all new/renewing members electronically and can be kept on your phone. I believe you can also request a “hard copy”. Please see my 2021/2022 example.

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There's Melbourne pool, Ian. I know nothing about it, but I'm lead to believe it's a typical "Tench" type water.

More Googling for you. 👍
Working near Staunton Harold res today. It’s filled up nicely since the summer.
Yes. One of the guys I work with has just let me know, he lives in Melbourne. He’s given me a number to ring if you want it ??
Bit further afield, Ian. But Linear has lakes with Tench in.
My mate had the record in one of the lakes years ago. He was vexed it wasn’t a carp but took a photo anyway. The bailiff informed him in the morning and asked for the picture for the website. He told me about it and how annoyed he was at the time and said to have a look at the website at the picture to see his face lol. He looked well pissed off in the picture. He’d of probably smiled if he knew it was a lake record