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Eddie Farrell

Senior Member
just herd on dinner time news on itv, that american mink running around wigan,
maybe there running around on ribble too, ???? there jet black in colour,
There are plenty of mink on the Dane.climbing trees dragging big chub up the bank.when I reported this in the 80s nobody wanted to know.i have had dog mink jump on my wellies they have a nasty bite so beware.
Eddie . Mink are fairly widespread around the country , I would be suprised if they weren't on the Ribble . I know in my neck of the woods the little blighters have been around for donkeys years and are a regular sight on my local rivers . They are highly predatory and will take , fish , birds, birds eggs , chicks , you name it . They look cute though, but Alberts spot on ,they have a fine set of teeth are very bold and have a nasty nip
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Agree with Mike, plenty of them on the Yorkshire rivers. Bold as brass and aggressive little buggers too; one of my dogs went after one, there was only going to be one winner and the dog backed off. Saved me a few quid in vets bills though.
I had one on Ribble 2yrs ago showing its teeth at me while I was whacking it with my fishing rod:eek: nasty little git:eek:

one from the ribble me and mark feed it well that day


Another Ribble Mink - on one occasion i refused one food and the little *****er dived into my bag and ran off with my tuna butties. :mad:
i used to see loads of mink on the ribble but there's been a big decline the last couple of season's:)
on the otherhand looks like tarka as pushed them out to wigan!!
I think half the otter sightings might be mink.

I'm pretty sure you're right. I recall watching a mink work the far bank rabbit holes on a stupidly popular stretch of the Swale. It hung around in plain sight for a fair while. Eventually it moved off upstream. Within five minutes of doing so, the next angler upstream was rushing to tell me about the otter he'd just seen on the far bank.
About the only good thing I can say for an otter - apart from how wonderfull , before I realised what thety were going to do , was that they definitely do push mink out of their territory . Where I fish mink were common and otters rare { but always there } now it is the other way round .
I personally think mink are less of a danger to the fish than otters - but either way - there's so many otters now it is irrellevant .
The proof of otter v mink battles arrose in a chat with an EA chap this week , who said that mink remains have been found in dead otters when they do autopsies { I think it;s cardiff uni that does them } from any dead otters found , such as roadkill .
I think the only winner is the watervole - they definitely prefer otters to mink !!
there are two types of mink in britain at the moment ,european,and the larger american,the ones we see on the ribble are american you can tell by there accents:D,no there offspring of releases off fur farms years ago ,and we all no what the otters look like as weve seen that many mink over the years!

there are two types of mink in britain at the moment ,european,and the larger american,the ones we see on the ribble are american you can tell by there accents:D,no there offspring of releases off fur farms years ago ,and we all no what the otters look like as weve seen that many mink over the years!

mark when we thought we saw mink they were really otter's and now the mink we see these days are driving the otter's out:rolleyes:
The 'eck with them...I just don't understand where all the beaver they were promising has gone. They said they were really wild, and I seem to remember mention of great tail....but so far, not a damned thing :(

Cheers, Dave.