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Moved...to where?

David Gauntlett

Senior Member
Moved: Bait-Tech Session with the Stars – Barbel Time!

To save me searching for the rest of my life...moved to where...and why :D

I know it won't be far, but I sometimes find it too complicated to locate both of my hands if they are required at the same time :p

Cheers, Dave.
To here https://barbel.co.uk/site/vbulletin/forum/showthread.php?t=7271

I get this message

vBulletin Message
Stephen Bond, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

I assume the thread contravened the forum rules in some way?

For the record, I have no association with Bait Tec, just with Thames barbel fishing!

Moved to our moderators area.

Why!? Because I don't appreciate bfw being used to plug other websites especially when the advertiser concerned hasn't even had the decency to ask first.

Our sponsors pay good money to benefit from the huge audience this site gets....enough said??
Moved to our moderators area.

Why!? Because I don't appreciate bfw being used to plug other websites especially when the advertiser concerned hasn't even had the decency to ask first.

Our sponsors pay good money to benefit from the huge audience this site gets....enough said??

Good point Will....What was that post i noticed recently classified, I have these items on ebay Item Numbers..Bla Bla Bla.....The items not even for sale on this site! Just via this site...:eek:
Moved to our moderators area.

Why!? Because I don't appreciate bfw being used to plug other websites especially when the advertiser concerned hasn't even had the decency to ask first.

Our sponsors pay good money to benefit from the huge audience this site gets....enough said??

Certainly is from my point of view Andy, by the sound of things I didn't see the full thread. I remember agreeing with another members comment to the effect that if the article mentioned was by a sponsored angler, then it would probably involve advocating the use of lots of that sponsors product. However, I honestly don't know what it was all about...I was agreeing with the basic principal of that members comment, and that was as far as I got.

However, I imagine you would not be upset unless it was some pretty underhand stuff, so I apologise for bringing the subject to light again, especially if you were trying to squash it quietly. All I saw was 'thread moved'....and I couldn't find it, simple as that. I assure you it was a perfectly innocent request on my part....I was genuinely curious as to where it had gone, and assumed not being able to find it was down to my poor computer skills as usual :rolleyes:

Sorry mate, I shall try not to do that again, daft old fool that I am :eek:

Cheers, Dave.
It's a pretty poor show that these small bait companies use a medium such as this to plug their product. Lazy and opportunist marketing...

'Session with the stars...' What's that all about then...

Very difficult on a forum to protect your brand and who posts on there
Shimano, Harrison etc must owe this site thousands in product placement and Shimano still dont make a 5000 size baitrunner!
Maybe we should all email bait tech and get them to put a link to this fine site on their web site?
This country seems to get more like the USA by the minute:rolleyes:
I think there is a lot of difference between somebody plugging Shimano or Harrison (who they have no association with) and somebody plugging a company that sponsors them (who they wouldn't plug otherwise).

The way I see it is; as soon as the person making the plug is receiving something for it (either by sponsorship or because it is their own company) then it oversteps the line.
I agree with my old mate Paul, there is a difference between “mentioning†and overtly publicising, I have in the past “mentioned†a number of tackle companies, in particular when advising of the suitability of a rod, reel etc.
To be fair I see no problem with that, but to “big up†a bait or make, with a view to bettering your own interest is distinctly bad form.

This site is a business, OK many of us use it for free (or very little cost) but it is a living for Andy, so for someone to overtly “sell†a brand they have an interest in, is, for me, tantamount to theft, at the very least a bloody disgrace!!!

I now have an “arrangement†with a tackle supplier; I will not plug them on here, no matter how much I believe in their qualities unless they were to give Andy a fair crack of the whip!
If they come up in conversation I would feel it necessary to mention clearly my connection, for me that is only right and proper.
Woe is me too Albert....I tend to drift a lot these days :D

Lord only knows what I will be like if I ever reach your fine age...but one thing is for sure...I wouldn't have half as many marbles left as you clearly have. Keep on smiling Albert....and don't go spending your winter fuel allowance on a new rod :D

Cheers, Dave
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Dave,I should be so lucky.the chief banker already earmarked the said bonus.i told her if I don't get some I won't take her barbel fishing with me next time I go.
David Oates, the members here of long standing owe plenty to the guys who
for no gain but for the reason of letting others know tackles atributes for helping us stop throwing cash in the corner, Andy Francis has told us of lots of stuff which he had no financial gain in but wanted to put us on right tracks, these include halips and salips long before most had heard of em
(to which i thank you gratefully Andy) guys keep the feedback coming for too many years we bought gear what wasnt really suited
merry xmas all:)