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Still fishing ?

Iain Tutt

Senior Member
I've noticed over the last couple of weeks that the threads are slowing down. Has everyone packed up for the winter? Is it just me out at dawn trying to catch the monster Chub or Barbel. Admittedly my Barbel catch rate has gone down but am still catching some lovely big Eels.
Have you packed away your kit till spring ?
Still fishing, but not at dawn! This latest cold snap has dampened the enthusiasm a tad, but as soon as I'm on the water I'm always glad I made the effort.
I've not fished (a southern river) since November, for various reasons mainly temperatures.Was due out yesterday or today but decided not to bother, since I fish late afternoon to the early hours didn't think it worth it.
With me i sleep very little, waking around 3 AM each morning. I only need 3 to 4 hours max sleep a night. So instead of knocking and banging about the house, waking everyone up i just go fishing. Been doing this ever since i left the Army 10 years ago. Also the cold weather doesn't affect me much but i hate the hot sticking summers.
Still fishing, but not at dawn! This latest cold snap has dampened the enthusiasm a tad, but as soon as I'm on the water I'm always glad I made the effort.

Same here Dave, just have to target the species that are most likely to fancy a bite to eat.
Barbel are on the back burner for me and I'm out looking for pike, grayling, chub or even a trout, do hate those cold northeasterly winds though.
There's always plenty of work to do on the rivers this time of year before the birds start nesting. Even though the temps are falling I'm still seeing a few brave souls on the bank throughout the week.
Not been anywhere for about a month, warm spells seem to be in the working week annoyingly so the weekends too cold to drum up enthusiasm!
Not fished for barbel since August.
Might try and get out somewhere for Sunday afternoon if weather plays ball, not sure what for yet.
Pike for the next three weeks. Hopefully a few trips to over to the Trent in the last fortnight of the season, assuming it warms up. Hopefully better then last year which when the last week was a damp squib - for me anyway.
Chub for me, and grayling when it gets really cold. A couple of years back it was stillwater perch in even the coldest of weather. Think I may go back for some of that.
Only reason I've not been out fishing this week is because I am decorating. But I am sure my other half realises how stressfull all this painting and wall papering is for me, and will boot me out the house next week on my days off work! :D ;)

Perfect storm for me at present, no fishing for a few weeks now. The weather is not conducive to the style of fishing I enjoy, stalking. I have always found cold flood water a waste of time personally. I went out a while back and caught some Roach. That coupled with a heavily pregnant wife and now a very tired unpregnant wife and a two week old baby has seen me working on things round the house, rather than disappearing out of signal into the wilderness. Just as well really as I've got my big toy in 400 pieces, doing rust prevention and maintenance.
Another week or so and il be out looking for an illusive end of season Barbel. That's if I can stop taking things apart (it's an engineering problem, I can't help taking things apart to improve them and the to do list just grows and grows) and start putting them back together.
Perfect storm for me at present, no fishing for a few weeks now. The weather is not conducive to the style of fishing I enjoy, stalking. I have always found cold flood water a waste of time personally. I went out a while back and caught some Roach. That coupled with a heavily pregnant wife and now a very tired unpregnant wife and a two week old baby has seen me working on things round the house, rather than disappearing out of signal into the wilderness. Just as well really as I've got my big toy in 400 pieces, doing rust prevention and maintenance.
Another week or so and il be out looking for an illusive end of season Barbel. That's if I can stop taking things apart (it's an engineering problem, I can't help taking things apart to improve them and the to do list just grows and grows) and start putting them back together.

Congratulations Stephen, should keep you busy and out of trouble:)

I ventured out again this morning. A little later this time at 5 AM. Little light flakes of snow in the air. -2 but no frost bit too damp for that. 1 1/2 hours later, 5 cuppa's and no bites but then it was bang after bang, bang with 6 Eels, sure the last 3 were the same one. 3 Chub and a sea Trout. In all a good half day's session. Can highly recommend Hot dogs soaked in LA sizzling sausage juice overnight. Smells similar to BQ sauce.
May have a rest tomorrow but back out on Monday.:)
Have been retired from work for nearly three years along with a colleague and we fish every week, sometimes three times a week regardless of the weather. Unless the Thames is frozen. Chub and Roach are the main quarry.
As Dean said.

Grayling later this week. Maybe bit of roach and chub.

Gets warmer river temps. Bit of barbel fishing.
Air temperature of 2 degrees yesterday, North Easterly winds, bored stiff and with 1/2 pint of maggots still OK after being in the boot for a week I thought I'd have a few hours on a club water, more for the exercise than anything else. Quite a long walk involved.
By the time I'd got to the first swim I couldn't feel my fingers, the forecast was for the temperature to rise to 3 degrees by dusk and I started fishing at 3 o'clock. Trickled in a few maggots tackling up and first cast was smashed up by something big, tied on a stronger hook link and 3rd cast the float buried and after a lengthy battle a near 4lb Chub was in the net. Moved swims twice and had one more Chub about the same as the first one. Settled in to another slightly more pacey swim for the last hour of daylight hoping for some Roach and Dace. No such luck, another 3 lumpy Chub and dropped a couple and in that magic last 1/2 hour I hooked and lost a biggish Barbel after playing it for about 10 mins, then got one in the net, about 4lb.
Not bad for a freezing cold winters afternoon in hopeless conditions.