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Stillwater Barbel in the Media

Adam Ditchburn

Senior Member
I picked a couple of the weekly rags sponsored by Dragon Carp, I noticed a number of captures and articles regarding Stillwater Barbel, I know this is nothing new, but is stocking of Barbel in Stillwater’s on the increase?

Before it was regarded as distasteful to do such a thing and create articles about catching Barbel in Stillwater’s., now it seems openly encouraged.

If the lust for Barbus Barbus is so on a “commercial” water, what is to say that specimen fish from rivers will be “moved” onto these waters...not beyond the wit of man, something that has happened with carp.
Anyone know more or any thoughts?
In the sport pages of our local paper recently there was a report of a match fished at a commercial that was won with a "netful" of barbel.

It's bad enough to stock them into still waters but then retain them in a keepnet!!!

Fish farms should not be able to sell them to still water owners (IMHO).
I picked a couple of the weekly rags sponsored by Dragon Carp, I noticed a number of captures and articles regarding Stillwater Barbel, I know this is nothing new, but is stocking of Barbel in Stillwater’s on the increase?

Before it was regarded as distasteful to do such a thing and create articles about catching Barbel in Stillwater’s., now it seems openly encouraged.

If the lust for Barbus Barbus is so on a “commercial†water, what is to say that specimen fish from rivers will be “moved†onto these waters...not beyond the wit of man, something that has happened with carp.
Anyone know more or any thoughts?

I should feel 'Appalled from Tewkesbury' that 'Barbus Barbus' should be treated in such a manner, and any strife in being placed in such horrific conditions should be the sole concern of the Carp (Carpus Carpus), in fact I think we should all show our support and not fish at all, that''ll teach 'em:mad:
In the sport pages of our local paper recently there was a report of a match fished at a commercial that was won with a "netful" of barbel.

It's bad enough to stock them into still waters but then retain them in a keepnet!!!

Fish farms should not be able to sell them to still water owners (IMHO).

It ain't gonna happen, they are fish, and whisper it, but they do OK in still waters.
I don't see what the big deal is really. Any fish though shouldn't be in a keepnet for any length of time. Barbel have thrived and grown big in stillwater
Fish in a commercial are a commodity, nothing more, to be outraged about one species over another is ridiculous imo.
Twenty years ago people were taking adult barbel from rivers and stocking them into still waters, thats what prompted the formation of the barbel society. It doesn't happen today because, for one thing, fishery owners don't want to take the risk of importing diseases from the wild which might wipe out their fisheries and stock fish, captive bred, are readily available.
This is a really old battle and if you were to ask him I would suggest even Steve Pope would admit it is one which was settled in a sort of score draw several years ago.
Thats a very poignant point Ade. And thats why I didnt bother joining the gudgeon society or ruffe society etc.
I caught this one last week at club water, probably an escapee from the Warwickshire Avon when it's been in flood. Was in excellent condition. Tunnel Barn and Somers Packington nearby have stocked barbel in their water, not something I agree with.

It's not impossible that in future this may be more common. If barbel continue to decline due to otter predation on rivers, then protected stillwaters may be seen as the best way to maintain and protect a good head of barbel. It will always divide opinion but, as has been mentioned, they seem to thrive ok so arguments against it will need to be well presented. A bit like the closed season debate really, arguments for and against.
Already rumours that a place near Boston have stocked river barbel but if you look at other forums when folk ask where to catch barbel stillwaters get mentioned before rivers but after my initial outrage I thought sod it least it keeps some of these muppets off the rivers
I don't agree with these fish being stocked into still waters. They don't offer anything different to the puddle anglers than a carp so I don't see the point. However, they do manage ok. The problem is keepnets, the answer is to have a separate net for silvers, tench and barbel. That way they don't get squashed in with carp.
No for me they don't and never will after all you are talking of an intelligent Primate not a fish.

Perspective please.

Not for you? Quite subjective then?! Why might intelligence come into such a debate? Because a primate might realise that it is not meant to be in a cage and suffer consequently?
Would you keep a cheetah in a cage?
Not for you? Quite subjective then?! Why might intelligence come into such a debate? Because a primate might realise that it is not meant to be in a cage and suffer consequently?
Would you keep a cheetah in a cage?

No, but then again I don't want Barbel in stillwater's either, but probably a lesser 'evil'.
No, but then again I don't want Barbel in stillwater's either, but probably a lesser 'evil'.

I don't understand Neil, if you're going to define as unethical the captivity of an animal so clearly having evolved to sprint, why would you not define the captivity of an animal clearly having evolved to live it's life in running water as similar? That's without mentioning the spawning issue...

I don't understand Neil, if you're going to define as unethical the captivity of an animal so clearly having evolved to sprint, why would you not define the captivity of an animal clearly having evolved to live it's life in running water as similar? That's without mentioning the spawning issue...


Actually Damien I agree with your sentiments, as I always normally do;) I was merely trying to point out that Barbel or most fish would not feel stress as much as a mammal, but I think the point has been made that actually Barbel seem not to suffer as much as we would think in the confines of a lake. The spawning issue probably is not a factor as there would be no stimulus for a barbel to spawn in such a situation.
The issue over retention of Barbel in a keepnet is one that constantly crops up, both you and I and most others that fish for Barbel would not support that, but I would not want to dictate what others must/ must not do either.
I am a changed man :)
Nice to see that Damien is still keen to argue the same old points just for the sake of it.

Takes all sorts.

Yeah I know it's boring Rocky isn't it.