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The "barbel people"

Steve Double

Senior Member
Just been talking to a Herefordshire landlady about some accommodation near the Wye. She referred to her angling guests throuighout as "the barbel people", strange folk who she realised sometimes slept during the day to fish during the night on hot summer days. She clearly has our card marked as an unusual sub-species straight out of Star Trek or Doctor Who.

She might have a point, mind you.
Speak for yourself Dave!! Though i have heard it said that Steve is:)
Speak for yourself Dave!! Though i have heard it said that Steve is:)

After an evening spent lying on the ground amidst a thunderstorm on the banks of the Loddon for a thorough drenching while blanking, I can't disagree, John. My missus needs no convincing that I've become a freak.
Why lying on the ground Steve?