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Trotting using stickfloats and braid.

As anyone tried trotting a stick float like those newish korum speci stickfloats on the trent using a closed faced reel?
With braid? On a closed face on the Trent? It sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.
Braid is so thin and prone to binding, with the added fact that a closed face spool is so short I think you’ll run into several problems throughout the day.
It’s also rare I use sticks nowadays as they don’t offer the weight range I want for control.

A pin and a 6g minimum bolo float would be my choice for the Trent
I’m not a fan of braid for trotting anyway. The advantages are often outweighed by disadvantages especially if the wind picks up.
Agree with Rich wouldn't entertain braid on a closed face reel . . . do like using braid for trotting though but only if conditions / swim permits and always with a centre pin sometimes with a fixed spool reel. Actually like the consistent floating ability / line visibility and also hooking effectiveness (no need to strike hard) . . . usually fish a looped mainline connection to a pre-tied (in various lengths and on pole winders) mono & float section
Can't see the benefit either.....don't most braids sink? A floating mono, possibly treated with a floating spray or musclin, gives far better presentation in my humble opinion.
Can't see the benefit either.....don't most braids sink? A floating mono, possibly treated with a floating spray or musclin, gives far better presentation in my humble opinion.
If you've never used braid for trotting why not try it - you never know you might like it!
Floats far better than mono (much less faff spraying and greasing spools) / much greater strength for the diameter (you can go very fine) / very easy to see on the surface / easy to 'mend' mid trot and line control in general / connecting with fish requires a mere flick and not a strike . . .only downside is windy conditions/knots and zero stretch without some kind of buffer . . .(mono leader / soft tipped rod) If your heavy handed you can bump fish off . . .