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wanted - pair of cheapish reels

Marty Mulcairn

Senior Member
In the process of getting a starter kit together for a friends young lad, I've sorted him with rods and terminal tackle so just reels left to source.

anyone have a pair of used reels for sale (4000-6000 size) for maximum of £50?

Sorry for late uptake on this Marty but I've just gotten back from a week away with the family in The Canaries. If Stephen has not already fulfilled your needs I have a pair of Okuma Interceptor 30's that you can have with my compliments, if they are too small I have a pair of Shimano 4000 ST that you can have for the budget price of £50...what part of the country are you based?


No probs Marty...Good Luck with the young 'un.. :)