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Worth a watch....

He's a very consistent angler, hats off to him.
Hi all, I click the link but all I see is a message saying "this video is private". Anybody know why? Or how I can watch it?
Cheers, Leon
Nice video.

A few years ago now when I had really just started back in angling I had a ticket for Burghfield and found myself fishing next to Martin. It was a seriously freezing cold March day and we were the only two on the river - we both blanked.

I knew who he was but didn't want to bother him - after an hour or so he came along for a chat, one of several we had during the day and I found him likeable, modest, free with his advice (I needed plenty then - still do really) but also happy to listen to mine(!). For me he made what could have been a very poor last trip of the season into a memorable and enjoyable day - spoilt only by him getting a gloating text message from some little bloke to say he'd just caught a 17lber, from the Avon I think it was :)D Ray).

On the basis of that day a thoroughly nice and likeable guy. And a great angler.
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A very great angler in my oppinion, great guy and he does know his stuff but as for the link above I get the same message.
It' just worked fine for me. Whilst not on that clip, his reaction to catching that perch on CTI, speaks volumes about the man and his enthusiasm for the sport.
Yes, without a doubt one of, if not the best all rounder in the hobby. To have the knowledge and ability to catch huge specimens of almost every British freshwater fish you can think of, rather than just being the best barbel angler for instance is astonishing. He comes over as a very likeable bloke, and yet I have heard rumours of him being distant to the point of rudeness if you meet him. However, rumours like that get spread around about anyone, usually on the basis of jealousy....and I would much prefer to think of him as a nice guy, as he came over on that clip.

Thanks for that Steve, enjoyed it hugely.

Cheers, Dave.
Yes, without a doubt one of, if not the best all rounder in the hobby. To have the knowledge and ability to catch huge specimens of almost every British freshwater fish you can think of, rather than just being the best barbel angler for instance is astonishing. He comes over as a very likeable bloke, and yet I have heard rumours of him being distant to the point of rudeness if you meet him. However, rumours like that get spread around about anyone, usually on the basis of jealousy....and I would much prefer to think of him as a nice guy, as he came over on that clip.

Thanks for that Steve, enjoyed it hugely.

Cheers, Dave.

I can tell you he is not in the least distant rude or whatever. He fishes the Bristol Avon for the depleted number of Barbel, and is very approachable and friendly. My sisters partner see's him often and one 'joke' he recounts was with Mark shouting down whilst fishing,asking 'Have you lost a rod Martin?' No came the reply, Mark.. well I've got one here with your name on it :)
Undeniably enjoyable interview. I think we covered this before in the favourite angler thread a while back-angling success aside, for me it's his unrestrained natural passion and enthusiasm that makes him great to watch. His reaction to catching some of those fish on CIT was fantastic. That Perch scene is one of my favourite fishing tv moments of all time.
Yes, you always hear rumours but my dealings with him proved them wrong. I approached him for the interview on my blog and found him very accommodating. When you consider how busy he is with his media work I really appreciated the effort. Some of the other names in angling chose not to reply or said no so respect is due.

Fishy Business, an angler's journal.: Q & A with Martin Bowler
i liked the programs he did on tv,he seems a nice guy and can't take away the fact he holds two british records....
the link worked for me no problem....thanks steve
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Yes, you always hear rumours but my dealings with him proved them wrong. I approached him for the interview on my blog and found him very accommodating. When you consider how busy he is with his media work I really appreciated the effort. Some of the other names in angling chose not to reply or said no so respect is due.

Fishy Business, an angler's journal.: Q & A with Martin Bowler

Hi Lee,

Just been on your blog reading your various 'An interview with' pieces, and enjoyed it all immensely...good stuff young sir. Whilst reading those pieces, two things on the Martin Bowler interview stood out for me. One was that he is as I suspected, a very nice guy. In your estimation, he is a pleasure to meet and talk to...even Neil Smart likes him...more of which later, if you will forgive me.

The other was the answer to your first question to him, which I quote in full.

1) "Who do you consider the best angler you have ever had the pleasure to fish with, and why?"

Martins answer) "There are two that stand out - John Wilson as an all-rounder capable of tempting game, sea and coarse fish, plus Terry Hearn who lives and breathes angling and is the best I've met in the modern era."

What pleases me so much about that is that Martin rates John Wilson and Terry Hearn (a carp angler) as the equal best angler he has ever fished with....and Terry as THE best of the modern era.

So...If you don't mind Lee, this second part of my post is addressed to Neil Smart. He and I often have rather strained sessions on these boards, because he is perhaps the most anti carp angler I know, in part no doubt because he knows that petty differences between the different angling factions is one of MY pet hates....and he enjoys winding me up :p....so this opportunity is WAY too good to miss :D:D

Carp anglers are frequently derided on here (Neil is not alone) as unskilled louts, not worthy of the title 'angler', the lowest forms of life in the hobby, blah , blah, blah bleedin blah. Now Neil, you have heard Martin Bowlers opinion of just about the best of them. I have met Terry, even fished with him on occasion, and so I can tell you, I HOPE without fear of ridicule in the circumstances, that he is not only the greatest, almost uncannily good angler you will ever meet...he is also one of the nicest, calmest, most respectful and decent people you could ever wish to know. OK chap?

Incidentally Neil, it might surprise you to know that I do not class myself as a carp angler....merely an occasional angler who has done a bit of that....and a bit of many other things, none of them particularly well. I am just a man happy to catch fish when I feel the need. I argue the toss with you about carpers merely because they are YOUR pet hate...and because I strongly feel we need to end all the petty inter faction fighting in angling. Yes there are some total planks in carp fishing...do you know ANY walk of life where there aren't a decent sprinkling of such morons Neil? But to tar them all as being in that mould is just so much bilge. GOOD carp anglers are no different to GOOD anglers of any other branch of angling...though I admit we could do with a way of getting rid of the louts in ANY style of angling. A Soylent Green type groundbait additive perhaps, lol.

Have a good season Neil....and you Lee, along with all other anglers.

Cheers, Dave.
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Hi Lee,

Just been on your blog reading your various 'An interview with' pieces, and enjoyed it all immensely...good stuff young sir. Whilst reading those pieces, two things on the Martin Bowler interview stood out for me. One was that he is as I suspected, a very nice guy. In your estimation, he is a pleasure to meet and talk to...even Neil Smart likes him...more of which later, if you will forgive me.

The other was the answer to your first question to him, which I quote in full.

1) "Who do you consider the best angler you have ever had the pleasure to fish with, and why?"

Martins answer) "There are two that stand out - John Wilson as an all-rounder capable of tempting game, sea and coarse fish, plus Terry Hearn who lives and breathes angling and is the best I've met in the modern era."

What pleases me so much about that is that Martin rates John Wilson and Terry Hearn (a carp angler) as the equal best angler he has ever fished with....and Terry as THE best of the modern era.

So...If you don't mind Lee, this second part of my post is addressed to Neil Smart. He and I often have rather strained sessions on these boards, because he is perhaps the most anti carp angler I know, in part no doubt because he knows that petty differences between the different angling factions is one of MY pet hates....and he enjoys winding me up :p....so this opportunity is WAY too good to miss :D:D

Carp anglers are frequently derided on here (Neil is not alone) as unskilled louts, not worthy of the title 'angler', the lowest forms of life in the hobby, blah , blah, blah bleedin blah. Now Neil, you have heard Martin Bowlers opinion of just about the best of them. I have met Terry, even fished with him on occasion, and so I can tell you, I HOPE without fear of ridicule in the circumstances, that he is not only the greatest, almost uncannily good angler you will ever meet...he is also one of the nicest, calmest, most respectful and decent people you could ever wish to know. OK chap?

Incidentally Neil, it might surprise you to know that I do not class myself as a carp angler....merely an occasional angler who has done a bit of that....and a bit of many other things, none of them particularly well. I am just a man happy to catch fish when I feel the need. I argue the toss with you about carpers merely because they are YOUR pet hate...and because I strongly feel we need to end all the petty inter faction fighting in angling. Yes there are some total planks in carp fishing...do you know ANY walk of life where there aren't a decent sprinkling of such morons Neil? But to tar them all as being in that mould is just so much bilge. GOOD carp anglers are no different to GOOD anglers of any other branch of angling...though I admit we could do with a way of getting rid of the louts in ANY style of angling. A Soylent Green type groundbait additive perhaps, lol.

Have a good season Neil....and you Lee, along with all other anglers.

Cheers, Dave.

Hi Dave hope you are on the mend. I thought my last tongue in cheek post about Carp and stuff might have finally finished you off, but alas you are made of stronger stuff :)
It was apparent you have been a bit down of late missing a particular inuendo(sp) opportunity regarding multiple a snagging post. :p
Hearn & Bowler

Terry Hearn and Martin Bowler are the two angling writers I most enjoy reading. They both come across as really knowledgeable and humble guys. I have to say though, MR Bowler is starting to bear an uncanny resemblance to Dave Myers of the Hairy Bikers.

Nick C