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Vote Tory?

There are complete plonkers in every party, however, UKIP are the only party that doesn't faf around and takes decisive action swiftly.
Just the sort of thing the country needs.
Err not quite, according to the radio this morning one UKIP MP made a nasty remark about some Muslim woman and has yet to be disciplined.
That aside, considering they're not in power how can they possibly be judged as taking decisive action?!
I suspect, like all the others, they're telling us everything we want to hear to get votes and once in power will f*** the lot of us and do whatever the bribers ask of them.

Sorry, 'lobbyists' :rolleyes:
Err not quite, according to the radio this morning one UKIP MP made a nasty remark about some Muslim woman and has yet to be disciplined.
That aside, considering they're not in power how can they possibly be judged as taking decisive action?!
I suspect, like all the others, they're telling us everything we want to hear to get votes and once in power will f*** the lot of us and do whatever the bribers ask of them.

Sorry, 'lobbyists' :rolleyes:

Since when did you have to be in power to take decisive action, we can all do it in one way or another.
I'm hoping that once the votes are counted that there is a majority of 1 or 2 to one of the consolidated pacts.

Simply because it means they will all have to go to work when there is any issues to vote on. Rather than signing in and going home.
They have kicked out any candidate or UKIP member that have made statements or done anything that could be seen to bring the party into disrepute. Unlike the LIBLABCONS.

I see, the 'decisive action ' referred to kicking out the rotten apples in their party , well in that sense fair play to them . I guess the trouble is with vetting of candidates in the first place . The chap the Mirror recorded muttering his rather worrying views clearly ducked under the UKIP radar . As to the rest of them , I share, to some degree your cynicism, there is a lot of mealy mouthed duplicitous talk about , getting a straight answer from a politician seems next to impossible . It's no wonder many youngsters can't be bothered to vote . you can't really blame them when you see some of the politicians bobbing and weaving when interviewed on the telly
Most have to learn to speak but say nothing Mike,... this is where Nige scores points by doing the opposite, .. Winston used to upset parliament doing the same.
The House of Commons could do with a few more Farages to keep those that bother to turn up awake!
As Mike has pointed out, and as the title of the link Dave put up states, immediate suspension and eventual exclusion is UKIP's response to any party members saying or doing anything racist or dodgy.
I'd be surprised if that 23yr old candidate in the post Ryhs put up was still in position judging by the previous swift action taken.
That Alibhai Brown creature, as shown by the link put up calling for white men to be a lost species, really is just about the most vile, annoying, racist, PC, self obsessed, left wing, vain, big headed woman on the planet.
If I was 23 and had heard her ranting for the first time I'd probably want to do something violent to her too.
At my age though I'm just content to have selected her lamp post for when the revolution comes and grit my teeth and bear it whenever she's on the media.
I'm still amazed that anyone believes that anybody (with the possible exemption of a handful) voted into positions of power, thinks of anyone but themselves:confused:

Most have to learn to speak but say nothing Mike,... this is where Nige scores points by doing the opposite, .. Winston used to upset parliament doing the same.
The House of Commons could do with a few more Farages to keep those that bother to turn up awake!

The House doesn't have any Farages, not even a Nigel.:rolleyes:
I'm not a UKIP man per se but would like to see Mr Farage in action at commons question time , he certainly livens things up in the European Parliament :D
It will have Friday, fingers crossed.

I hope the pub landlord candidate gets in , he would be even more fun at commons question time :D

Check out his party political message on U tube . Penny a pint , , brick up the channel tunnel , lock up the unemployed , all common sense solutions . Brilliant , and fruit based drinks for the ladies ,Vote FUKP it's the way ahead ..
The House doesn't have any Farages, not even a Nigel.:rolleyes:

:D you're right about Farages Neil but there are/ or were plenty of Nigels,....I'm hoping that's not a euphemism for something to insulting.:rolleyes:
Just a bit peed that I took the bait and googled it! :D