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Vote Tory?

I'm still amazed that anyone believes that anybody (with the possible exemption of a handful) voted into positions of power, thinks of anyone but themselves:confused:


Quite, though I wouldn't exempt any of them! Nicely paid job, full of perks, with excellent opportunities to make significantly more money via backhanders and dodgy dealings!
Except for UKIP apparently, they're a revolution, they really care about us. :rolleyes:
Clearly she's an idiot, but he's still a UKIP MP which make's a bit of mockery of your last statement.

Sorry Rhys, you really need to start to think before you post, the guy is not a UKIP MP and never has been.
You also need to do a bit of research on this woman, she is possibly the most hated woman in Britain, some have called for her to be deported for her racist views, and one Tory MP actually said he would like to punch her in the face, a remark which Camoron made apologies for.

Having said, i think the remarks made where totally unacceptable by a UKIP candidate
I was just interested in what the different party leaders thought of fishing when I started this thread. So here's a further perspective regarding the problems of a certain coalition as reported in the Spectator:

(Green Party) Leader Natalie Bennett has said she wants ‘a complete review of all horse and dog racing’, and an end to the Grand National. Her manifesto outlines a ban on rabbit hutches, a national code of conduct for anglers and a ban on certain types of fishing hook.

Welcome to Miliband country: how Labour would wreck rural life » The Spectator
If he is still a candidate, which I doubt, they probably just concluded he was reflecting mainstream opinion, as he's certainly not alone in wanting to shove something nasty in one of her orifices.
The point I was making was that UKIP have been shown to take decisive action where necessary, unlike Liblabcon who almost never get any further than 'learning lessons'.
My local Labour candidate, who lost his seat last time, should have gone to prison for fraud for the way he abused the expenses system, and here he is again for another go. Labour have no shame and they selected a candidate who is a crook.
Ed Silly Milli wants to ban centre pins reels for barbel fishing as he thinks they are prehistoric and only really have a place in running through a stick float
Extraordinary result, just seeing Farage in defeat on t.v, that will probably be the third party leader go today. The polls again way off the mark, no hung government, but a Tory party in control of the Commons, but far better than a coalition in having a mandate to govern.
Yes it certainly is Steve. Perhaps with more political certainty we will sit a little more comfortably on our seat boxes and can concentrate on our rod tops with more purpose, our minds free of the political turmoil that would otherwise distract us. Mind you if the net result is less money in your pocket then that could mean less bait and inferior tackle which might swing things in favour of the barbel. And within a couple of years we will have the EU referendum which will put things into a whole new spin. I think the best thing we can do is stock up on tackle items now, just in case. And garlic spam.

None of the political commentators have highlighted the fact that Ed lost because after 30 seconds of speaking, white spit foam collects round his mouth and medically, that means he isn't allowed to kiss babies in shopping high streets and parks. I think that was decisive in the end.
11,316,429 Tory votes out of a possible 46,425,386...wow! That's a whopping 24.4% of the electorate....a mandate to govern? So when David decides to set the 'threshold' for strike votes, I'm sure he'll be bearing this result in mind.

Mr Cameron said: "I want a Conservative government to pass new legislation so that strikes in central public services can't go ahead unless there is a proper threshold crossed in terms of the number of people taking part in the ballot.
"Of course there is a right to strike in this country, but in essential services, isn't it worth saying there ought to be a threshold before a strike is called, which causes so much damage?

Source: Conservatives would reform union strike rules, Cameron confirms - BBC News

Don't you just love democracy at work?
Its a great result for the working man in the private sector, no so good for the public sector and people on benefits. It was the Unions that put Milliband in place as party Leader, the people wanted his Elder Brother, could have been quite different, the Unions have themselves to blame.
As a working man in the private sector who relies on public services esp the NHS i don't quite see the benefits....let's see where the savings come from.
Oh isn't it good news, another 5 years of austerity, especially for the poor.

Just as well you live in Ferndown Phil :)

But how is this bad news for anyone? Look at the economy now as it was then under those clowns, all this Labour for the 'poor working man' load of rubbish.

Can't see Labour getting back any time soon too

R.I.P Labour. :p